Monthly Home Maintenance Tip: Winterizing Your Home
As fall transitions into winter, it’s time to start prepping your home for colder weather—even in places like Alabama, where freezing temperatures might be less common but can still cause issues. The chill can bring on unexpected challenges like burst pipes, so taking the right steps now will help prevent costly damages later. Here are a few tips to help winterize your home and stay ahead of the weather:
1. Drain and Store Your Garden Hose
Once you notice your grass going dormant, it’s time to roll up your garden hose. To make sure it’s fully drained, unravel it down a slope and let gravity do its work. Starting at the top of the hill, roll the hose back up to ensure all the water is out. While it’s best to store it indoors, properly drained hoses can also be stored in a garage or outdoor shed.
2. Remove Excess Water from Your Irrigation System
Draining your irrigation system requires more precision, and if not done correctly, it can cause damage. While you can find some DIY tutorials, it’s often better to hire a professional for this task. However, don’t forget to turn off the water to the system. In some areas, this could help you avoid an irrigation bill during the winter months.
3. Insulate Exterior Pipes and Faucets
Prevent frozen pipes by insulating any exposed pipes or hose faucets around your home. Hardware stores like Lowe’s offer inexpensive insulation kits for less than $5 each. Installing these simple protections on all exterior faucets and pipes is a quick and easy way to avoid freezing issues.